
NLR Parks and RecreationWhat is Therapeutic Recreation

What is Therapeutic Recreation?

Therapeutic Recreation, otherwise known as Recreation Therapy or simply TR, is an intentional intervention utilizing play, recreation and leisure activities to promote recovery, health and well-being for individuals with disabilities and/or chronic illness.

The Benefits of TR are endless…

Some common benefits of therapeutic recreation are:

  1. Physical Benefits - Pain reduction, improvement in muscular strength, flexibility and balance, improved gross and fine motor skills, decreased blood pressure.
  2. Cognitive Benefits - Increased attention span, enhanced memory, reduced confusion, enhanced executive functioning, increased awareness and alertness, new skills and knowledge.
  3. Psycho-Social Benefits - Improved stress management, enhanced body image and attitude toward disability, improved social and communication skills, decreased feelings of loneliness.
  4. Emotional Benefits - Reduced fear and anxiety, enhanced coping skills, reduced depression.

Through our TR program we strive to…

  • Provide education through leisure opportunities;
  • Develop self-esteem and confidence through participation in recreation and leisure experiences;
  • Provide emotional and social support to participants and their families/caregivers;
  • Increase community involvement;
  • Ensure success of participation in programs & life-long leisure pursuits;
  • Provide opportunities that foster peer relationships
TR Staff

Our TR staff is led by a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS). The CTRS credential is a national certification and is earned through education, experience, and testing.  TR staff are trained in providing community based therapeutic activities and using appropriate equipment and modifications to make participation attainable for all, regardless of ability levels.